public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags college & education

September 2006

Top 10 Most Popular College Majors

If you’re currently pondering what to settle on as your major–or even if you’re just curious what tomorrow’s job applicants are majoring in today–here’s a top 10 list for you. A word of warning: The popularity of majors often has little to do with actual demand for related fields in the workplace. The career fields with the most opportunities do not always appeal to the student masses. And the majors that sound most exciting to students don’t always lead to equally snazzy-sounding jobs.

Get Good Grades Get A Car

One high school in Oregon is offering a chance to win a used car to students who show up regularly and get good grades. Phoenix High School announced to students that showing up to school 95 percent of the time and earning a B average would put them in the drawing for two used cars.

July 2006

College textbooks are no bargain, so try these tips

Buying used, online and from afar are possibilities. Thomas Jefferson said that “books constitute capital.” Well, the thousands of students who will soon head off to college campuses across the country know all too well that it takes quite a bit of capital these days to buy textbooks.