public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Newspartnergroup with tags teeth & health

17 December 2007

Health Alert-Oral Appliances Curb Snoring

It can be the cause of many marital fights...but snoring can also lead to serious health risks. One of the most common treatments for snoring and sleep apnea is a customized oral appliance. It holds the lower jaw forward and keeps the airway clear.

21 November 2007

Beyond whitening: Keep your teeth healthy

Gums receding, a bad taste in the mouth, bleeding gums - people assume these are normal parts of aging, but they're not. They're the signs of periodontal disease, most of which don't hurt until the advanced stages.

25 October 2007

Dental Implants for Replacing Natural Teeth Attracting More Senior Citizens

With dental implants, a patient can turn back the clock, and live their life with "teeth" again. For people with dentures 29% eat only soft or mashed food, 50% avoid many foods and 17% claim they eat more efficiently without their teeth.

23 October 2007

Teaching your child more about oral health than the tooth fairy

When do I start to bring my child to the dentist for an appointment? When do they start getting teeth as infants? How many teeth will they have? When do children start brushing?