Accessibilité des vidéos sur le web: les sous-titres
YouTube now lets you correct automatic captions | Media Access Australia
The new caption editor function, developed by a Google intern and his mentor, allows users to correct automatic captions within the YouTube website.
Easy YouTube caption creator | Accessibility tools, web developer tools, wizards and markup generators | Accessify
1 commentThe Easy YouTube caption creator is designed to make it very simple to create a caption text file (.sub format) that you can then add to YouTube video files that you have uploaded.
Tools and Tips for Creating Transcripts | Blog Accessibility
When creating transcripts for videos, adding details about the setting, actions and such may be beneficial to those relying solely on the transcript. Once the spoken word is captured, that text can be used to caption the video (again, essential for accessibility) and repurposed to create products in other formats. Definitely a win-win scenario!
Blog de PaulK — 10 moyens de regarder YouTube sans logiciels propriétaires / 10 ways to watch YouTube without non-free software
Lorsque l'on décide d'utiliser un système d'exploitation libre, l'une des premières choses qui rebute est sans doute l'absence du lecteur Flash, et donc l'absence de possibilité de regarder les vidéos de sites de partage de vidéos tels que YouTube. Pourtant, une multitude de solutions existent.
Récupérer vos vieux films/mp3 sur CD ou DVD endommagé
by 2 otherszomigi.com » Videos of screen readers using ARIA
Recordings of screen readers using widgets with and without WAI-ARIA can be a good educational resource for why ARIA is important to accessibility. There aren’t many out there, but here’s what I found.
Découvrez enfin un lecteur HTML5 abouti ! | webdesigner | Scoop.it
ginger's thoughts » Accessibility to Web video for the Vision-Impaired
HTML5 video player
by 1 otherLa bataille des codec vidéo sur Internet se poursuit - LeMonde.fr
Terrill Thompson: Creating Your Own Accessible HTML5 Media Player
ginger's thoughts » Introducing media accessibility into HTML5
Un lecteur vidéo accessible qui répond au standard du SGQRI 008 « Blogue de Nurun Services Conseils
by 1 otherMore Detail | CaptionMax Development Site
Transcription is the process of taking the videotape and making a verbatim ASCII file of the program so that the text is ready to put into the captioning software.
ZERO SECONDE: TV 2.0 : Google Télévision (par Martin Lessard)
Là où Apple TV vous «streamait» vos vidéos stockées sur iTunes, Google TV prend tout ce qui bouge sur Internet (YouTube, Netflix, VOD, vidéo podcast) et vous le projette à l'écran.