31 December 1969 17:00
ScottGu's Blog : Free Patterns and Practices Guidance Explorer for ASP.NET and .NET
by 1 otherFree Patterns and Practices Guidance Explorer for ASP.NET and .NET
Visual Basic .NET Sample Guidelines
These guidelines are used by Microsoft to develop samples and documentation. They are provided to Visual Basic .NET users as a basis for their own coding standards. The Visual Basic Language Specification does not contain a coding standard.
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Webcast Series
by 1 otherWhen you attend three webcasts, you’ll receive an ASP.NET 2.0 Development Pack, including Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005 Standard Edition (Not for Resale), five chapters of Programming ASP.NET 2.0 Core Reference, by Dino Esposito, and more.*
(4 marks)