January 2010
AFR #34 – Rivalterac. | Azeroth.fr (AFR)
by kemarEn écoute le podcast d'Azeroth.fr http://bit.ly/tyyVo [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/2073858060]
December 2009
by kemarEnorme le spoiler de Wrath of the Lich King http://ping.fm/GvWKf [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/934077871]
JudgeHype World of Warcraft
by kemarje jette un coup d'oeil à la liste des hauts faits de Wrath of the Lich King. Y a du boulot ! http://twurl.nl/skmo5j [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/891876519]
JudgeHype World of Warcraft
by kemarLooking at: "JudgeHype World of Warcraft" video du tube "I am a Murloc" ! ( http://tinyurl.com/3onobd ) [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/849213558]
September 2009
Death Knight Builds - WOW Death Knight talent guide
by kemarGuide des talents des Death Knight dans WoW http://icio.us/4pkuvj [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/4168431208]
(5 marks)