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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tapestry & "groupe:clever age"

April 2007

Raible Designs | JSF still sucks?

by ddelangle
Conclusion: don't use JSF simply because it's a "standard". Use other frameworks that are more actively developed and designed for the web. For component-based frameworks, the most popular are Tapestry and Wicket. Less popular ones are RIFE and Click.

January 2006

Tapestry 4.0 Released

by ddelangle
After nearly two years of work, the Tapestry development team is proud to announce the next major release of the Tapestry web application framework.

August 2005 - JavaServer Faces vs Tapestry - A Head-to-Head Comparison

by ddelangle & 1 other
The article arose from having to make a recommendation on which of the two frameworks to use in a real project. It's a task I can imagine many Java developers facing in the months to come.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tapestry

groupe:clever age +   java +   JSF +  

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last mark : 19/04/2007 13:08