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PUBLIC MARKS with tag sha1


What You Need To Know About Secure Password Schemes

by jon123 (via)
Matasano Security LLC - Chargen - Enough With The Rainbow Tables: What You Need To Know About Secure Password Schemes


2009 - reverse engineer md5 hashes - powered by

by CharlesNepote & 5 others, 2 comments
Moteur de recherche qui permet de retrouver des mots de passe hashés en md5 ou sha1.


as3corelib - Google Code

by greut & 1 other
ActionScript 3.0 library for several basic utilities.

Tutoriel : Sécuriser un site Internet (MD5, SSL et sessions)

by nfroidure
Un tutoriel pour comprendre les enjeux de la sécurisation d'un site Internet, et des conseils pour la mettre en place.

Storing Passwords in MySQL

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Securing plain text passwords in MySQL is NEVER a good idea. As a DBA you should take great care in protecting the users' information. Fortunately MySQL provides you with several options to protect passwords.


MD5 Crack

by MageDealer
MD5 cracking site that uses Rainbow Tables and big dictionary search for md5 hash cracking


Javascript md5 (and md4 and sha1)

by nhoizey & 5 others
The MD4, MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms are secure hash functions. They take a string input, and produce a fixed size number - 128 bits for MD4 and MD5; 160 bits for SHA-1. This number is a hash of the input - a small change in the input results in a substantial change in the output. The functions are thought to be secure, in the sense that it would require an enormous amount of computing power to find a string which hashes to a chosen value. In others words, there's no way to decrypt a secure hash. The uses of secure hashes include digital signatures and challenge hash authentication.

Javascript md5 (and md4 and sha1)

by Krome & 5 others
The MD4, MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms are secure hash functions. They take a string input, and produce a fixed size number - 128 bits for MD4 and MD5; 160 bits for SHA-1. This number is a hash of the input - a small change in the input results in a substantial change in the output. The functions are thought to be secure, in the sense that it would require an enormous amount of computing power to find a string which hashes to a chosen value. In others words, there's no way to decrypt a secure hash. The uses of secure hashes include digital signatures and challenge hash authentication.

Javascript md4, md5 and sha1 algorithms

by benoit & 5 others
The MD4, MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms are secure hash functions. They take a string input, and produce a fixed size number - 128 bits for MD4 and MD5; 160 bits for SHA-1. This number is a hash of the input - a small change in the input results in a substantial change in the output. The functions are thought to be secure, in the sense that it would require an enormous amount of computing power to find a string which hashes to a chosen value. In others words, there's no way to decrypt a secure hash. The uses of secure hashes include digital signatures and challenge hash authentication.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sha1

aes +   groupe:clever age +   md5 +   mysql +   password +   security +  

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