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PUBLIC MARKS with tag security





📛 SÉCURITÉ - - l'arnaque à la webcam piratée revient avec le confinement - Comment Ça Marche

by decembre est une plateforme en ligne mise en place par le groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) Acyma (Action contre la cybermalveillance), qui regroupe des membres tels que l'Afnic, l'UFC-Que Choisir, le Clusif, La Poste, Orange, Bouygues Telecom et Google – parmi d'autres acteurs – mais aussi plusieurs ministères. Son tôle principal consiste à informer les utilisateurs – particuliers comme professionnels ou associatifs – des dangers liés à l'usage du numérique en général et d'Internet en particulier. Outre son site Web sur lequel on trouve de précieux conseils pratiques, Cybermalveillance offre deux services téléphoniques : – Info Escroqueries, au 0 805 805 817 (appel gratuit) du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 18 h 30 (service du ministère de l’Intérieur). – Net Écoute, au 0 800 200 000 (appel gratuit), du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 19 h 00, ligne d’écoute nationale anonyme et confidentielle destinée aux internautes confrontés à des problèmes dans leurs usages numériques.


Magicard 300 ID Card Printer

by idcards
Print full colour plastic id cards in under 23 seconds

Guide to Web Authentication

by srcmax
A better alternative for securing our sensitive information online



by srcmax
The total amount of credentials (usernames/clear text password pairs) is 1,400,553,869..

📛 HACK - VIDEO - Applied Hacking channel - Samy Kamkar - YouTube

by decembre
SITE: Applied Hacking channel. I'm releasing original research, tools and videos around hacking, technology and security - typically around reverse engineering, coding, software, hardware, radio, electronics, fabrication and physical security (as in physical lock picking, not as in flying karate chops). Full source code, schematics, 3D models, and documentation will often be provided, and I'll go step by step into many of these projects so you can follow along, and build even better things! If I don't forget, I'll also explain how to protect yourself from such attacks and methods to improve security.

Validating Leaked Passwords with k-Anonymity

by srcmax
Today, v2 of Pwned Passwords was released as part of the Have I Been Pwned service offered by Troy Hunt. Containing over half a billion real world leaked passwords, this database provides a vital tool for correcting the course of how the industry combats modern threats against password security.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag security

anonymity +   crypto +   democracy +   electronic +   for:gustavo.cardoso +   for:zenuno +   identity +   information +   internet +   law +   opensource +   politics +   privacy +   software +   system +   voting +  

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François Hodierne
last mark : 27/02/2018 14:41