April 2008
Getting profile information rather than just authentication
by nhoizeyCAS is a Web based local single signon. Shibboleth is a cross-university authentication and attribute system that doesn't have its own local signon. In order to use Shibboleth, you have to first have a local system like CAS.
January 2008
Higgins Project Home
by CharlesNepote & 3 others"Higgins is an open source Internet identity framework designed to integrate identity, profile, and social relationship information across multiple sites, applications, and devices. Higgins is not a protocol, it is software infrastructure to support a consistent user experience that works with all popular digital identity protocols, including WS-Trust, OpenID, SAML, XDI, LDAP, and so on." "The heart of the Higgins user experience is the i-card - a visual metaphor for a set of digital identity data about you, someone you know, or a website you use."
(2 marks)