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PUBLIC MARKS with tags politics & europe


Political Memory - La Quadrature du Net

by rike_
Political Memory is a toolbox designed to help you reach members of European Parliament (MEPs), and track their voting records. We hope it will help citizens to get to better know their elected representatives, and to allow them to inform them on the issues covered by La Quadrature du Net.


Platforma Obywatelska

by BUses
Platforma Obywatelska - PO Olesnica, Partia Polityczna PO - Mandaty do Rady Miasta Olesnica.



Le Parlement européen a enterré la directive sur le brevet des logiciels

by mbertier & 2 others
Le rejet du texte par le Parlement, mercredi, est un camouflet pour la Commission européenne et le conseil des ministres, qui n'avaient pas tenu compte de la première lecture du Parlement restreignant le champ d'application de la directive.

Turmoil as Chirac plots to disregard 'non' vote

by mikepower
PRESIDENT CHIRAC of France is preparing to throw Europe into confusion and put Britain on the spot by backing moves to keep the European constitution alive if it is rejected in Sunday’s referendum.

Desperate Chirac in final plea for EU yes

by mikepower
Jacques Chirac made a final attempt to reverse France's determination to reject the EU constitution last night, imploring voters "not to answer the wrong question"

Timothy Garton Ash: Votez oui, malgr� tout

by mikepower
The French noes and the British noes are the most incompatible of all. In fact, if one leaves aside the shared concern on the right for national sovereignty, they are almost diametrically opposed.

The Guardian: In the heart of Europe, a big No looms

by mikepower
Culture capital and continental gateway threatens to repay Brussels' largesse by spurning constitution

The Spectator: The European constitution contains some good sense. That’s why the French dislike it

by mikepower
The British No campaign urges opposition to the constitution because it threatens too much central control. The French are voting Non in such large numbers because they fear the exact opposite — a weakening of the command state.

IOL: EU referendum campaigning enters le fin

by mikepower
France has entered what was likely to be a bitter final campaign week before a national referendum on the European Union’s constitution, with polls showing undecided voters could make or break the neck-and-neck race.

French EU referendum

by mikepower
Here the BBC News website explains what is happening and what is at stake for France and the European Union.

EU referendum prompts French identity crisis

by mikepower
France's referendum on the European constitution next Sunday has plunged the nation into a bout of tortured introspection. And at present - as a seventh successive poll confirmed yesterday - what has emerged is a clear temptation to say non.

Non, non et encore NON!

by sunny
Wasted à propos du vote pour la Constitution Européenne

Johann Hari: Don't let the Livingstone row blind us to the real and growing threat of anti-Semitism

by mikepower
It seems that human rights abuses committed by Jews provoke more rage than abuses committed by others

Sunday Times: Putting the fear of God into Holland

by mikepower
The Dutch have rejected liberalism in response to Islamic immigration. Some say they are now too hardline. So what can the rest of Europe learn from their crisis?The Dutch have rejected liberalism in response to Islamic immigration. Some say they ar

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