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PUBLIC MARKS with tags politics & academic

04 December 2006

01 December 2006

Trinh T. Minh-ha essay

by jlesage
Not You/Like You: Post-Colonial Women and the Interlocking Questions of Identity and Difference, by Trinh T. Minh-ha

20 November 2006

Bruce B. Janz Home Page

by jlesage
very large academic resources collection for arts, humanities, social theory, philosophy

Local consumption cultures in a globalizing world by Peter Jackson

by jlesage
Focusing on the resilience of distinctive local consumption cultures, with evidence from three contrasting consumption cultures: consumption and 'public culture' in India, 'consumer nationalism' in China, and 'artful consumption' in Russia.

Geographies of Responsibility by Doreen Massey

by jlesage
on political implications of considering space within political discussions of responsibility and identity

19 November 2006

(Notes on) Politics, Theory & Photography

by jlesage
blog that reviews and critiques aspects of art and visual culture and photojournalism, often from an ethical standpoint

16 November 2006

Book Review of "Sowing Empire: Landscape and Colonization"

by jlesage
Filmmakers and writers need to be aware of the history and social practice "spoken" by spaces and places. This is about the politics of gardens.

13 November 2006

Difference, Diversity and Nomadic Subjectivity

by jlesage
Braidotti is a theorist combining the insights of Donna Haraway with postcolonial theory; this earlier (1998) essay still has relevance today. Useful in teaching.

Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

by jlesage
"multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era... how technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations...including issues of globalization, mobility, power, and access" -

by jlesage
a multilingual web journal that challenges received ideas about linguistic and cultural "translation" along principles of a critique of culturalisation; social recomposition, beyond postcolonialism: a global commons; multilinguality vs. national language

11 November 2006

Confronting Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Ed'n in 21st Century

by jlesage
Henry Jenkins, with Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robinson, and Margaret Weigel ; PDF or online in 6 parts; sensible and sparks new directions of thought; respectful of students

06 November 2006

archive : s0metim3s | Undercommons 2.0 | October | 2006

by jlesage
Andrew Ross: “Technology and Below-the-Line Labor in the Copyfight over Intellectual Property” (American Quarterly, 58:3, 2006).

by jlesage
visual encyclopedia that documents manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.--summative photo essays produced by students guided by faculty

Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society

by jlesage
very large bibliography on Critical Whiteness Studies, broken down into various categories; not interactive and does not lead to full text essays; worth going to the library to follow up on

03 November 2006

"Rhetorical and Political Agency in the Habitus"

by jlesage
essay attempting to analyze potential agency of teachers and students

02 November 2006

"Cyberfeminism with a difference" by Rosi Braidotti

by jlesage
an important essay building on the work of Donna Haraway, emphasizing the kinds of empoverishment that come with globalization, and the possibilities for new forms of collective identity in cyberspace, while eschewing utopianism.


by jlesage
journal of arts and culture in social context; theoretical essays; international in scope

Loïc Wacquant

by jlesage
site of sociologist who was often a co-author with Pierre Bourdieu; many links to full text essays online.

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last mark : 04/12/2006 18:48