04 December 2006
U.S. Copyright Office issues new rights - Yahoo! News
by jlesageFilm professors can copy snippets from DVDs for educational compilations.
20 November 2006
Joel Kovel
by jlesagemany of this important writer's essays online, a psychoanalyst who has long been a political commentator
Local consumption cultures in a globalizing world by Peter Jackson
by jlesageFocusing on the resilience of distinctive local consumption cultures, with evidence from three contrasting consumption cultures: consumption and 'public culture' in India, 'consumer nationalism' in China, and 'artful consumption' in Russia.
Geographies of Responsibility by Doreen Massey
by jlesageon political implications of considering space within political discussions of responsibility and identity
18 November 2006
13 November 2006
Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular
by jlesage"multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era... how technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations...including issues of globalization, mobility, power, and access"
11 November 2006
A People's History Of The United States - Howard Zinn | libcom.org
by jlesageentire text of this major left history is online
06 November 2006
archive : s0metim3s | Undercommons 2.0 | October | 2006
by jlesageAndrew Ross: “Technology and Below-the-Line Labor in the Copyfight over Intellectual Property” (American Quarterly, 58:3, 2006).
by jlesagevisual encyclopedia that documents manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.--summative photo essays produced by students guided by faculty
Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space by Neil Smith
by jlesageentire book by major left social geographer available in three downloads
03 November 2006
"Contributions to a Resistant Visual Culture Glossary"
by jlesageessay introducing concepts that can help critic look at visual culture more politically
02 November 2006
Radical Graphics
by jlesagelarge collection organized by thematic and political categories; useful for office door poster, flyer, or demonstration
Loïc Wacquant
by jlesagesite of sociologist who was often a co-author with Pierre Bourdieu; many links to full text essays online.
01 November 2006
The Art of Rent by David Harvey, SR 2002 | Socialist Register
by jlesage"a widespread belief that there is something special about certain cultural products and events (be they in the arts, theatre, music, cinema, architecture or more broadly in localized ways of life, heritage, collective memories and affective communities).
24 October 2006
one small project
by jlesagelearning from those who "claim leftover spaces in cities and live in unauthorized dwellings made of scavenged, leftover materials"; solicits contributions
23 October 2006
Mute magazine-"Time, Labour & Social Domination"
by jlesagelong review by Moishe Postone; in-depth analysis of contemporary theories of non-material labor in information field
19 October 2006
New Urbanism
by jlesagewebsite and organization promoting good urbanism, sustainable development, smart transportation, and transit oriented development.
15 October 2006
The Google YouTube Tango
by jlesageessay about the political consequences of marketing based on Internet-use data
(19 marks)