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PUBLIC MARKS with tags photography & photojournalism


Burtynsky: Oil

by sbrothier (via)
"Shocking with beauty" - The washington Post "The definitive photographic documentation of this hotly debated subject" - Paul Roth

Reuters - The Wider Image

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
The Wider Image is an entirely new interactive experience from Reuters, the world's largest news agency. Get the wider story. Transform the way you see. This immersive app, created exclusively for the iPad, reimagines news photography and brings images and information to life.

World Press Photo

by sbrothier & 2 others
World Press Photo is committed to supporting and advancing high standards in photojournalism and documentary photography worldwide. We strive to generate wide public interest in and appreciation for the work of photographers and for the free exchange of information.

The Pulitzer Prizes | Craig F. Walker The story of Scott Ostrom

by sbrothier
In today's community of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, one in five suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression. Brian Scott Ostrom is one of them. After serving four years as a reconnaissance marine and deploying twice to Iraq, Scott, now 27, returned home to the U.S. with a severe case of PTSD. "The most important part of my life already happened. The most devastating. The chance to come home in a box. Nothing is ever going to compare to what I've done, so I'm struggling to be at peace with that," Scott said. He attributes his PTSD to his second deployment to Iraq, where he served seven months in Fallujah with the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion. "It was the most brutal time of my life," he said. "I didn't realize it because I was living it. It was a part of me." Since his discharge, Scott has struggled with daily life, from finding and keeping employment to maintaining healthy relationships. But most of all, he's struggled to overcome his brutal and haunting memories of Iraq. Nearly five years later, Scott remains conflicted by the war. Though he is proud of his service and cares greatly for his fellow Marines, he still carries guilt for things he did and didn't do fighting a war he no longer believes in.


RØDE Microphones - VideoMic Pro

by sbrothier
The RØDE VideoMic Pro raises the bar set by the original RØDE VideoMic, by combining broadcast quality audio with an ultra compact and lightweight ergonomic design. Incorporating new features specific to high end video, the VMP also evolves many of the features that have made the VideoMic so successful. Noise transference has been significantly reduced using both a revised, more elegant shock mounting system and a lightweight premium cable. Broadcast recording quality condenser microphone Compact design (only 150mm/6" length) Ultra lightweight (only 85g/3oz) 9V battery powered, with up to 70 hours battery life (alkaline) Integrated shock mounting Integrated foam windshield 3.5mm stereo mini-jack output (dual mono) Two step High Pass Filter (flat, 80Hz) Three position level control (-10dB, 0, +20dB) Camera shoe mount with 3/8" thread for easy boompole mounting Ten year warranty*


MSF Photo Blog

by sbrothier & 1 other
Médecins Sans Frontières photo blog

North Korea parade marks 65 years of reclusive state's rule | World news |

by sbrothier
North Korea parade marks 65 years of reclusive state's rule / 10 October 2010: The Guardian's Dan Chung covers North Korea's lavish military parade

Lens Blog -

by olga_stringraphy & 1 other
Photojournalism - Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Archives

Originals — BagNews

by sbrothier
progressive site dedicated to visual politics and the analysis of news images

One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times

by HK
Nous vous parlions il y a deux semaines de l’initiatives de deux jeunes journalistes qui réalisent un webdocumentaire sur les “monsieur tout le monde parisiens” (interview à venir bientôt sur le site). C’est au tour du New-York Times de publier un joli webdocumentaire (commencée il y a tout de même deux ans) décrivant les “gens ordinaires qui racontent des histoires extraordinaires” : la mère adolescente, la paparazzi, le vétéran d’Irak, le juré qui dit 200 fois par jour “bonjour”… Le tout est composé de 54 petits diaporamas sonores en noir et blanc, très bien travaillés que vous pouvez regarder dans l’ordre que vous voulez (interactivité oblige…).


POM-Tu veux coiffer là ? | HÉLÈNE JAYET

by HK
After four years in the Fine art, she deepens the photography to the School Image ouverte, managed by Serge Gal where she follows workshops with Bernard Plossu and Jean-François Bauret. Between 2002 and 2003, she works for the agency Argonautes as graphic designer and person in charge of photo. Since 2004, she is a graphic designer and independent photographer. She did a training course of photo-journalism in the EMI-CFD ( 75 ), supervised by Wilfrid Estève, Mat Jacob (TF) and Lorenzo Virgili, Follow-up of a training course at Picturetank. She collaborates in a punctual way with Jef Gravis and Eric Seydoux's on projects of edition. The project 12°39 ' N, 8°00 ' W / malian chronicles was exposed in November, 2008 to the big theater of Angers for 23 edition of the international Festival of the Scoop and the journalism and received the price of the public of the month Off of the photography in December, 2008.

Hiroji Kubota

by sbrothier
"I love beautiful things, and I want to make pictures that lift people's spirits. I see the giving and receiving of photographs as something beautiful and personal."

Japan (signed) by Kubota, Hiroji :

by sbrothier
Modern Japan, the second largest economy in the world, is a land of contradictions. Home to some of the most sophisticated technology and manufacturing, it also has communities whose daily life has changed little in the last five hundred years. It is a land of great beauty, both in the landscape and in its celebrations, festivals, and traditional arts.


by sbrothier
Currently works as a freelance within the world of design, advertising photography and photojournalism.

Behind the Scenes of LENS :: digitalartwork – Multimedia Journalism

by sbrothier
A few people have been asking me how the LENS Blog on The New York Times site came to be and what software it was built on. I thought I’d shed a little light on the development process and answer some of these questions.

by HK & 1 other
20 ans après la chute du mur de Berlin... 10 histoires de murs en friche dans les pays de l'Union européenne qui appartenaient au bloc de l'Est. 10 villes privilégiées par les anciens régimes et qui ont chuté avec le mur. Certaines ont déjà bien pansé leurs plaies, d'autres non. Des récits d'hommes et de femmes loin du mur... Voyage en roues libres pour franchir les murs derrière le rideau de rouille, 11000 km en camping-car. Défrichages en textes, photos et musique: Leipzig, Daugavpils, Sillamae, Visaginas, Wlodawa, Ostrava, Kosice, Miskolc, Campulung, Pernik. Défrichages sonores de la mémoire d'Européens de l'Est qui ont vécu et travaillé dans et près de ces usines ou bâtiments publics aujourd'hui à l'abandon.

Oeil du viseur

by HK & 3 others
Chaque jour, un photojournaliste raconte l'histoire de l'une de ses images. Un projet espritblog animé par Fabrice & Jean.

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