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PUBLIC MARKS with tags performance & cache



ESI - Full page caching with Symfony2 - Jordi Boggiano

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
"All I can say to conclude is that this is worth playing with, and that Symfony2 really doesn't disappoint with regard to speed."

HTTP/1.1, part 6: Caching

by balluche
Le fonctionnement du mode cache apache en HTTP/1.1

META Refresh Nullifies Caching for IE6 and IE7 « Lickity Split

by nhoizey
"When a site uses a <META> refresh tag to send the visitor to a URL, IE6 and IE7 treat that as if the user had clicked the “Refresh” or “Reload” button on the browser."


Overcome Your Caching Conundrums [Server Side Essentials]

by dzc
ealing with browser caching is a balancing act. On one hand, you aim to minimize load times and bandwidth use by ensuring that images, scripts, and style sheets are cached by your visitors; however, you still want to ensure that they’re accessing the most recent versions of all your files. In this article, I’ll show you a few methods for controlling how your site’s files are cached by browsers so you can achieve the best of both worlds: maintaining optimal performance while ensuring that any updates are seen immediately, without a hitch by all of your users.

Drupal et mySQL sont sur un serveur...

by nhoizey
C'est surtout pour ça que je suis fan de SPIP : « contrairement au discours ambiant qui tend à proclamer que hors Drupal plus de salut, et que SPIP est mort, ce dernier fait mieux qu’agoniser. En mutant et en évoluant à sa façon il a su proposer des solutions techniques alternatives intéressantes qui permettent d’aller très loin avec moins de technicité apparente. »

sfManagedCachePlugin | Recoursive

by Xavier Lacot (via)
The very point of caching is that it's faster and less resource intensive to deliver cached data than creating it on the fly. With existing cache solutions, when the cached data expires, it has to be refreshed while the user waits. In environments that rely heavily on caching, such behavior has the potential to create thread pileups and other cascading failure scenarios. This plugin introduces a cache manager : when an expired âge is called, then it is directly served from the cache, and then the cache gets asynchronously refreshed.

Hack Drupal core! |

by claire_
For a fairly large community site (think OG, node access control, private messages etc), we were getting in trouble giving authenticated users a decent browsing experience. The worst page was taking 16 (yes, sixteen) seconds to load and others were getting in trouble too now that the number of users and nodes was growing rapidly. Not acceptable of course, so we went searching for solutions:

Installing APC in Windows - MoodleDocs

by holyver (via)
APC (Alternative PHP Cache) is a PHP opcode cache. It stores PHP pages in RAM and reduces hard disk activity. This makes a real difference to the performance in Moodle, and you should be able to achieve a 50% increase in system capacity and your CPU will be 50% less busy. This guide is for installation of APC on a Windows server. The instructions have been tested on a Windows 2003 server, and they should also be applicable if you are using Windows XP as a test server.


ncache - Google Code

by camel & 4 others
a web cache system base on nginx web server. faster and more efficient than squid.

Improving Drupal's Performance with the Boost Module for the UN's Millennium Campaign | Development Seed

by holyver
Improving Drupal's Performance with the Boost Module for the UN's Millennium Campaign. How the Boost Module Helped a Very High Traffic Drupal Site Stay Online

Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters

by holyver & 23 others, 1 comment
A Web cache sits between one or more Web servers (also known as origin servers) and a client or many clients, and watches requests come by, saving copies of the responses — like HTML pages, images and files (collectively known as representations) — for itself. Then, if there is another request for the same URL, it can use the response that it has, instead of asking the origin server for it again.

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