public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags os-x & mac

April 2007

EZ 7z 0.581 - MacUpdate

by fredbird
EZ 7z is a an easier way of using the command line archiver, p7zip/7za. It supports: * Compression * Decompression * Listing the contents of an archive * Testing the integrity of an archive In other words, it can open .7z, .zip, and some other formats and create .7z files.

KeePass Password Safe

by fredbird & 2 others
This is the official homepage of KeePass, the free, open-source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager.

March 2007

Password Gorilla

by fredbird
A cross-platform Password Manager

January 2007

CocoaMySQL - A MySQL GUI for Mac OS X

by fredbird & 2 others
CocoaMySQL is an application used to manage MySQL databases (locally or over the internet). It lets you add and remove databases and tables, change fields and indexes, view and filter the content of tables, add, edit and remove rows, perform custom queries and dump tables or entire databases. See all of its features here!


by fredbird & 3 others
If you're looking for a CBR and CBZ reader for your favorite OS, look no farther. Comical is an easy-to-use, featureful GUI comic book viewer, written in C using wxWidgets. It's open-source, so feel Free to contribute!

Jomic - a viewer for comic book archives

by fredbird & 1 other (via)
Jomic is a viewer for comic book archives. It can handle both CBZ and CBR archives and has a two page mode. Supported image formats are PNG, JFIF/JPEG, TIFF, and GIF. It is Open Source software distributed under the GNU General Public License.

by fredbird & 11 others
annuaire de logicels et actus mac

November 2006

August 2006

Open Source Mac - Free, Open-Source software for OS X

by fredbird & 46 others
Free and open-source software is good for you and good for the world. This is the best OS X software that we know of.

January 2006

Macslack - a list of nifty stuff for the Macintosh

by fredbird & 5 others
Macslack is a list of neat stuff — software, accessories, tips, tricks and hacks — for the Macintosh. Written by a guy who successfully made the Switch, it's a particular and exacting list, not a comprehensive one, composed of stuff that he thinks really adds some extra zing to the Apple experience.

December 2005

MAMP - Mac Apache MySQL PHP

by fredbird & 5 others
MAMP signifie: Macintosh, Apache, Mysql et PHP. Avec MAMP et simplement en quelques clics, vous pouvez installer Apache, PHP et MySQL pour Mac OS X!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag os-x

apache +   lang:en +   logiciel +   mac +   mysql +   php +   web-dev +  

Active users

last mark : 27/04/2007 08:20