public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "open source" & project



XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping

by camel & 9 others
La société Xmind, qui développe le logiciel de mind mapping du même nom, vient d'annoncer qu'il devenait dorénavant gratuit (il coûtait tout de même la modique somme de 299 $) et open source. Il offre des fonctionnalités telles que : * gestion de projet * différents types de représentations graphiques (dont Ishikawa) * export sur un site de partage de cartes * export vers pdf, .doc, .ppt * import de cartes créées sous Mind Manager et Freemind. * gestion des tâches * et beaucoup d'autres


Download APP for Windows & Linux on

by didi
APP automatically calculates a time plan / project plan based on effort estimations and expected end dates. Tasks (+ a max. perc.-rate) can be assigned to one or more resources. Vacations, predecessors, weekly work hours,.. are considered in calculation

Auto Project Planner - Homepage

by didi & 1 other
Auto Project Planner is an Open Source project management application for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. The software automatically calculates a proper project plan based on your effort estimations and the due dates you have in mind. A list of tasks and a list of employees can be defined. Tasks can be assigned to one or more employees. It is also possible to define a maximum percentage value an employee can/should work on a task. Public holidays, leaves, weekly working hours and some more parameters can be specified and are considered in the calculation. According to this input the software compute time plans by minimizing the MSE (mean squared error) between expected and computed end dates.


The Open Software Wiki - SWiK

by camel & 35 others
SWiK is a community driven resource for open source software. Try starting a page about your favorite project, syndicating a blog for a topic, or browsing through tags people have added to projects or pages. SWiK contains information and news about thousands of open source projects and people are constantly adding cool new stuff.

Shibboleth Project - Internet2 Middleware

by mbertier & 3 others
The Shibboleth software implements the OASIS SAML v1.1 specification, providing a federated Single-SignOn and attribute exchange framework.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "open source"

download +   free +   freeware +   gantt +   linux +   mangement +   mind mapping +   plan +   planner +   project +   project management +   project plan +   redmine +   ruby +   social +   software +   sso +   time plan +   tool +   trac +   web +   web 2.0 +   windows +  

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