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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "open source" & p2p


GoalBit, streaming p2p vidéo open source| Webmaster – Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet – Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

by Dawa & 1 other
GoalBit est un logiciel de diffusion de médias en haut débit et en direct. Pour cela l’application se base sur la technologie de Bittorrent (peer-to-peer) pour distribuer la bande passante et ainsi avoir la meilleur réception possible et une haute qualité d’image.


DLFP: Elgg, le réseau social opensource atteint la version 1.0

by CharlesNepote & 2 others (via)

Elgg est un moteur libre (GPL) pour sites « sociaux ». Installable en quelques minutes, remarquablement extensible, il permet de proposer au sein de votre structure (à prendre au sens large : école, entreprise, groupe d'amis, association, collectivité territoriale...) des fonctionnalités de partage et de mise en relation.



by sylvainulg
a peer-to-peer measurement system (to be used in ANA?) » Official Website & Free Download «

by cyberien & 4 others (via)
Completely free & open-source Firewall-to-firewall transfers Turbo-Charged Download Speeds Absolutely NO Spyware or Adware Connects to more sources Creative Commons license support Max. speed network connections Junk Result Filters Community Chat Rooms iTunes Integration BitTorrent Support Proxy Support

BitRocket - Mac OS X BitTorrent Client

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
BitRocket is a Native(Open Source) BitTorrent client for Mac OS X. At the heart of it's core resides the powerful libtorrent BitTorrent library. BitRocket is aimed to be a good alternative to other Mac OS BitTorrent clients.


XNap - News

by jdrsantos
XNap provides a plugin enabled framework for peer-to-peer (P2P) applications and a client which is based on that framework. It is free software and licensed under the GNU Public License . XNap is purely written in Java. The client features a modern Swing based user interface and console support that will run nicely on every platform with a recent Java Runtime Environment (1.3 or higher).

FreeWire - free filesharing for the future - based on the Gnutella network

by jdrsantos
FreeWire is a free software program that allows you to share files with millions of other users across the world. Based on LimeWire's open source technology, FreeWire uses the popular Gnutella protocol to allow you to share music, video, pictures, software, and any other type of files you have. Search for and share any type of file with FreeWire, the cutting edge peer-to-peer Gnutella client.



by arnet & 2 others (via)
Solipsis est développé par : France Télécom - R&D Division

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "open source"

agence +   création de site +   développement +   graphisme +   infographie +   logiciels libres +   marseille +   webagency +  

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