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PUBLIC MARKS with tag développement


Bienvenue sur norsys | norsys

by srcmax
Parce que norsys est une ESN engagée, reconnue société à mission et certifiée Bcorp. Nous considérons que nous devons aussi contribuer à réduire les injustices sociales, donner un cadre éthique à l’usage des nouvelles technologieset permettre aux humains de s’épanouir sans détruire la planète et sa biodiversité, Ainsi, voici notre raison d'être : Concevoir avec une préoccupation humaine et éthique des usages du numérique efficaces afin de contribuer à l’évolution positive du monde





by gregg & 2 others
Phabricator, an open software engineering platform Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software.

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App?

by gregg & 2 others
Estimate the cost of an app easily using this handy tool.

Learnable Programming

by Spone & 1 other
Here's a trick question: How do we get people to understand programming?

DocHub | Instant Documentation Search

by gregg & 3 others
pour js, jquery, html, css, php, etc.

Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ?

by dszalkowski
Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ? En 10 ans, du fait de l'accélération des débits de l'Internet, le secteur de l'IT vient de connaître de profonds bouleversements aux conséquences extrêmement fortes sur l'emploi informatique.  Dsfc

9 surprising reasons mobile apps get rejected from the Apple app store | VentureBeat

by gregg
Apple’s App Store review process is designed to keep the app ecosystem healthy and to protect users from low-quality or hostile apps. And the system mostly works. But sometimes an app is rejected for reasons you might not expect, and it can force developers to scramble to either push back launch dates or even have to redevelop key features.

Applidium — Vous utilisez sans doute l'une de nos applications mobiles.

by gregg
Vous utilisez sans doute l'une de nos applications mobiles. Notre métier est d'imaginer et de développer des applications sur iPhone, iPad et Android. Les rendre pratiques, intuitives et réactives est notre exigence. Ainsi totalisent-elles déjà 20 millions d'utilisateurs.

Kick Your App Kick Your App - Marketing Mobile par l'Application

by gregg
Experts en développement d’applications mobiles pour smartphones et tablettes (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone).


The Making of Fastbook: An HTML5 Love Story | Blog | Sencha

by gregg & 2 others
When a team has problems with HTML5, it usually stems from the fact that they take a “website” development approach to building an app, and often don't use the right tools and architectures for application development. This is what we suspected about the Facebook HTML5 app. The way that app performed — slow loading, choppy user experience in the News Feed, low framerate — exhibited the usual symptoms.

Do You Really Want to be Doing This When You're 50?

by gregg & 1 other
What most programming is about. It's about trying to come up with a working solution in a problem domain that you don't fully understand and don't have time to understand.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag développement

apple +   cocoa +   code +   dev +   gratuit +   leopard +   mac +   objective-c +   pdf +   type:livre +   xcode +  

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