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PUBLIC MARKS with tags msvt & research

October 2008


by knann
Factophile offers topical facts, trivia and statistics on a wide range of topics, along with a growing set of links to more in-depth resources. New facts and trivia are added on a regular basis.

October 2007

Astronomy For Kids

by knann (via)
Great site for kids researching the solar system, planets, and more. Easy to read and understand text. Looks like a teacher creation.

StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers

by knann (via)
Take the tour using Level 1 or Level 2 information. Teacher guide available.

CosmicQuest @ The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

by knann
Our solar system is our neighborhood in space. The Sun is the center of this neighborhood, which includes at least nine planets plus hundreds of moons and thousands of asteriods.

ARKive - Creating a lasting audio-visual record of life on Earth.

by knann & 7 others (via)
ARKive ( is the world's centralised library of films and photographs of the world's endangered species - freely accessible to all online for private research and internal educational purposes. Hailed as the digital Noah's Ark, it has won numerous conservation, education and communication awards since its launch by Sir David Attenborough in 2003, and has now profiled over 2,500 of the world's endangered species, using over 3,000 movie clips and 18,000 photos as well as a full research page on each animal - all freely available for internal educational use at Register for free and create a scrapbook that can be shared with students

September 2007

Research Project Calculator

by knann (via)
The Research Project Calculator which is aimed at a K–12 audience. The old version was aimed squarely at traditional research paper projects. The new one has broader appeal and includes information about essay, presentation, or video projects Once the project type is selected, students can enter their email address for automated reminders and the project due date. The calculator prints out a five-step research guide and deadlines for each step to discourage procrastination. The new site has a lot more supporting documentation than the original, and a teacher guide is on the way. This would be a great site to link to from a media center or other school web page.

ZIPskinny - Get the Skinny on that ZIP

by knann (via)
ZIPskinny is an amazing research site. All you have to do is type in a zip code for anywhere in the United States, and you immediately get information from the 2000 Census, along with a map of the area. Not only that, but you can also compare the data with neighboring zip codes.

May 2007

BibMe - the fully automatic & free bibliography maker (MLA, APA & Chicago)

by knann & 2 others
Welcome to BibMe! The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the quickest way to build a works cited page. And it's free.

February 2007

Homework Help, Learning Games, Research for Kids & Teens - AOL@SCHOOL

by knann
Useful directory of resources for students . Search by grade level or subject area.

Lake Champlain Basin Atlas

by knann
The Lake Champlain Basin Atlas by the Lake Champlain Basin Program contains more than 40 full-color maps about the Lake Champlain Basin, articles about the maps, photographs, and a glossary. Extra resources, such as website links, manuals, and factsheets are also available. This 2004 version is loaded with lots of new information, many revised maps, and a new Students and Educators page!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag msvt

classroomblogs +   collaboration +   differentiation +   district +   esvt +   gr8 +   hs:dd +   hsvt +   math +   mind mapping +   mslc +   schooltools +   software +   teachers +   video +   web 2.0 +  

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last mark : 30/10/2008 09:49