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PUBLIC MARKS with tags msvt & math

October 2008


by knann
High quality resources from recognized providers such as ReadWriteThink, Illuminations, Science NetLinks, etc.

September 2008

April 2008


by knann (via)
Safe Educational Social Networking Peer to Peer Games focusing on spelling, paterns, geography, money(calculation,estimation) and more. Teachers can sign up for a free class account

Kids Math Games

by knann
Great page of math games focusing on math facts, counting,patterns, geometry,measuring,and more. Teachers look for the link "Click Here" see see activity descriptions.

February 2008

Harcourt Math

by knann
Interactive sites for math practice at all grade levels. The following textbook titles have activities HSP Math, Think Math, and Math Advantage Grades K-8

January 2008

Cosmic Zoom

by knann (via)
This visual representation is to help give you an idea of the size and scale of the universe.(similar to the Powers of Ten site) Each image is 10 times bigger or smaller than the one that comes before it or after it. The numbers are written using exponential notation. This is a convenient way scientists use to write very large or very small numbers.

December 2007

Select Math

by knann
Math lessons for grades 6 - 12 aligned to standards and online manipulatives

November 2007

Chart Chooser

by knann & 2 others (via)
Choose the chart to display your data, then download as an Excel or PowerPoint file.

September 2007

Math Slice!

by knann
Online interactive math games and challenges. Teachers can generate worksheets and print as a PDF for saving.

June 2007

Math Samples

by knann (via)
Various uses of technology for math. Take a look at the Free Fonts and Clipart available for download.

Courses: School Education

by knann
Learn, Create and Collaborate Create your own content. Share educational resources. Collaborate with colleagues.

Math Presentations

by knann
Tons of PowerPoints ready for you to use in your K-5 or 6-12 Math class. Other subjects also available.

April 2007

Pete's Power Point Station

by knann (via)
- FREE PowerPoints for K-12 on just about everything Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, Literature, More!

March 2007

Calendar Problems

by knann
This worksheet presents a single calendar and asks the student questions that require reading individual word problems, consulting the calendar and performing basic math operations.

Johnnie's Math Page Interactive Math Applets

by knann (via)
On this page you will find links to interactive math tools and activities for teaching and learning. It is intended for students and their teachers grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

January 2007

Middle School Math Technology Resources and Ideas

by knann (via)
The matrices are a series of online tables of electronic and technology resources supporting California middle school math content standards for grades 6, 7 and Algebra 1. The resources align to the two California state-adopted middle school textbook series of McDougall-Littell and Prentice Hall. The Grade 6 matrix also aligns to Harcourt and Scott Foresman. Search by strand and then math concept to find some great resources and ideas!

Video Resources for Middle School Math

by knann
List of specific video resources for middle school math that can be used for differentiation.

Grade 6 Mathematics

by knann (via)
Outstanding resource from Learn Alberta. Twenty one lessons for key concepts in math for grade 6, overview of problem solving strategies, a glossary, and activities for reinforcing number facts (operations) via various strategies. Use of animation video and sound make this an engaging site for students.

Differentiated Instruction Resources Middle School Math

by knann (via)
Educational technology resources for differentiated instruction in the middle school math classroom

Pre-Algebra, Algebra, & Geometry

by knann
Billings Public Schools Math Video Project. Math videos produced by high school teachers and aligned with their textbooks. Ongoing project but many videos available.

December 2006

mathslinks' bookmarks on

by knann & 1 other
Excellent collections of math links with very organized sets of tags...Everything is easy to find.

November 2006

Sargent Park Math Zone

by knann (via)
Grade 8 math teacher using a blog as a homework site and enrichment center, He uses a variety of Web 2.0 tools to support student learning in math. Students take turns as scribes responsible for posting to the blog.

Thinking Blocks Addition & Subtraction

by knann
This interactive program teaches children how to visualize and solve math word problems. Using virtual blocks and cubes, children create models that illustrate the underlying math concepts in word problems. Each Thinking Blocks program contains six guided practice sets and three assessment tests. The addition and subtraction program features models that represent part-whole, comparison, and change situations. The multiplication and division program introduces equal parts, comparisons, and interpreting remainders. Program features include: • Self paced, guided instruction that shows students how to correctly model math word problems • Independent practice sets that challenge students to apply what they’ve learned • Interactive blocks that engage students in the problem solving process • Randomized problem sets that create a different learning experience each time the program is accessed • Video tutorials which help students transition from building concrete models to sketching models on paper • Printable certificates that allow students to keep a record of the work they have completed

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last mark : 26/10/2008 11:15