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PUBLIC MARKS with tags msvt & "language arts"


BSD: Biography Maker

by knann & 2 others (via)
Great site to enabling students to write a great biography using the following steps:To create an exciting biography, you will now follow these steps: 1. Questioning | 2. Learning | 3. Synthesis | 4. Story-Telling Six Traits of Effective Writing


Your Take

by knann
Problem-solving/decision-making tool for students/teachers. Free until June 2009, but only $299 for site license. This is a great web-based tool for helping students analyze complex issues. Most appropriate for middle and high school

Super Action Comic Maker

by knann
Easy to use Comic Creator to inspire story-telling. Choose the background for your Action hero. Use the slider to choose the pose. Add speech bubbles and text. Click next top add up to six frames.

by knann
Read & Create Children's Picture Books Online - Great authoring tool for creating your own books. Use the library of pictures or upload your own.

Writing Fun by Jenny Eather- helping kids write using text organizers.

by knann
Excellent site for different genre examples and organizers. Takes time to get familar with site but worth it. Nice for smartboard as there is a write online feature.


by knann
Welcome to the Virtual Library of Conceptual Units. The Virtual Libray includes conceptual teaching units for middle and high school English/Language Arts classes. These units have been designed by preservice and practicing teachers at The University of Georgia. The units follow principles of curriculum and instruction developed by George Hillocks, Jr., (see, e.g., Dynamics of English Instruction, Grades 7-12, by Hillocks, McCabe, and McCampbell; Random House, 1971). The process for designing these units is described in Peter Smagorinsky's Teaching English through Principled Practice (Merrill/Prentice-Hall, 2002) and Teaching English by Design: How to Create and Carry Out Instructional Units (Heinemann, 2008; an online Instructor's Guide is available for this book as well).The units are designed to cover 4-6 weeks (assuming daily class periods of 45-55 minutes). Each is organized around a concept such as a theme (e.g., Coming of Age), genre (e.g., satire), strategy (e.g., understanding irony), literary period (e.g., Victorian Age), movement (e.g., Transcendantalism), region (e.g., Authors of Georgia), or author (e.g., the works of Emily Dickinson).

Spelltube - interactive world of spelling

by knann (via)
3000 videos for spelling words in the National Spelling Bank. Memorable characters reinforce spelling rules. British accents abound!


Word Magnets

by knann (via)
Quick and easy online tool for working with words and sentence structure. Easily adaptable to other activities as well.

by knann
Search Directory geared specifically to reading, Analyzing Text (12) new Audio and Text (18) Proofreading (4) Reading Comprehension Advanced (10) Reading Comprehension Beginner (14) Reading Comprehension Intermediate (19) Short Stories (11) Vocabulary (51)

Pete's Power Point Station

by knann (via)
- FREE PowerPoints for K-12 on just about everything Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, Literature, More!


Alternative Book Reports

by knann & 1 other (via)
From the Read Write Think Lesson collection, a list of different types of book reports across grade levels appropriate for differentiation.



by knann
Click the letters to create as many new words as possible. Find the 6 letter word and automatically qualify for the next round.

ReadWriteThink: Student Materials

by knann (via)
Standards based literacy lessons for K-12 students. This page links to the student tools. Teachers can search by grade-level, standard, or literacy engagament.

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classroomblogs +   collaboration +   differentiation +   district +   esvt +   gr8 +   hs:dd +   hsvt +   math +   mind mapping +   mslc +   schooltools +   software +   teachers +   video +   web 2.0 +  

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last mark : 22/02/2009 11:06