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PUBLIC MARKS with tags msvt & "assistive technology"


JISC RSC Scotland N&E: AccessApps

by knann (via)
50 open source and freeware assistive technology applications which can be entirely used from a USB stick on a Windows compute

WebAnywhere: A Screen Reader On the Go

by knann & 2 others (via)
Screen reader from web browser. No software to install. - Easy Read Books and formats, Large Print Books and formats, Biographies

by knann
► We markup books quickly and cost effectively into XML from PDF, HTML, scanned images and other electronic formats ► We automatically generate a large number of different formats from this XML file: Standard print, Large print, Specialized print, Braille, DAISY, Audio books and e-Books To give people with reading disabilities access to information in books in the formats of their choice at an affordable price as soon as the book is published


Welcome to Picture Planner

by knann
Picture Planner is an icon (picture) based scheduling system that assists individuals with disabilities in planning activities by the day, week, or month. Picture Planner uses synthesized speech to provide feedback and aid in accessibility.

1 Stop for Free Assistive Technology

by knann (via)
If you know of an open source or otherwise free AT application that is not listed in our library, please let me know about it via e-mail. We would like to add it to this resource.

Software Tools for Text to Speech

by knann
The very nature of having texts in electronic form means that students can have access different types of “supports.” These supports might include, for example, live links to definitions, images, and additional information. Providing texts electronically also has implications for the way in which text is presented; for example, the font size can change, different background colors can be added, or texts might be restructured (e.g., parsed) to accommodate a reader's needs. All of these embedded supports can promote better understanding of what the author intended to communicate.


by knann & 1 other (via)
text to mp3 software. Convert emails and docs automatically

2006 | Download books, magazines, newspapers and radio shows

by knann
Subscription service (various plans). Get mp3 files for your pc, ipod, mp3 player, or burn to cd to listen to your favorite books.

1-Click Answers

by knann
Alt-Click in Windows or (Mac OSx Command+Option+G) on any word in any program on your screen for an instant, pop-up AnswerTip that won't interrupt your work. For vocabulary words, instant definitions and real voice buttons to hear the word aloud. - Online web dictionary & thesaurus word linking lookup reference tool.

by knann
VoyCabulary makes the words on any webpage into links so you can look them up in a dictionary or other word-reference-site of your choice, by simply clicking on the words.

PowerTalk - automatic speech for PowerPoint presentations

by knann & 2 others
PowerTalk is a free program that automatically speaks any presentation or slide show running in Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows. You just download and install PowerTalk and while you open and run the presentation as usual it speaks the text on your slides. The advantage over other generic 'Text To Speech' programs is that PowerTalk is able to speak text as it appears and can also speak hidden text attached to images. Speech is provided by the standard synthesised computer voices that are provided with Windows.

Welcome to Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic

by knann (via)
The nation's educational library for those with print disabilities.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag msvt

classroomblogs +   collaboration +   differentiation +   district +   esvt +   gr8 +   hs:dd +   hsvt +   math +   mind mapping +   mslc +   schooltools +   software +   teachers +   video +   web 2.0 +  

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last mark : 25/11/2008 14:48