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PUBLIC MARKS with tags methodology & software


The Joel on Software Discussion Group (CLOSED) - Why I Hate Frameworks

by ghis & 4 others (via)
"So this week, we're introducing a general-purpose tool-building factory factory factory, so that all of your different tool factory factories can be produced by a single, unified factory. The factory factory factory will produce only the tool factory factories that you actually need, and each of those factory factories will produce a single factory based on your custom tool specifications. The final set of tools that emerge from this process will be the ideal tools for your particular project. You'll have *exactly* the hammer you need, and exactly the right tape measure for your task, all at the press of a button (though you may also have to deploy a few *configuration files* to make it all work according to your expectations)."


Evidence Based Scheduling - Joel on Software

by greut & 3 others (via)

Using Evidence-Based Scheduling is pretty easy: it will take you a day or two at the beginning of every iteration to produce detailed estimates, and it’ll take a few seconds every day to record when you start working on a new task on a timesheet. The benefits, though, are huge: realistic schedules.

Realistic schedules are the key to creating good software. It forces you to do the best features first and allows you to make the right decisions about what to build. Which makes your product better, your boss happier, delights your customers, and—best of all—lets you go home at five o’clock.

A more general approach that the SCRUM one I got so far.




PUBLIC TAGS related to tag methodology

agile +   bdd +   development +   engineering +   framework +   from delicious +   patterns +   planning +   software +   specification +   testing +   work +  

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