January 2008
Hitwise Intelligence - Heather Hopkins - US: Google Maps Making Inroads Against Leader, Mapquest
by kuroyagi (via)"traffic to Mapquest has remained flat year on year and is down 20% in the past 6 months. Google Maps traffic is up 135% year on year and is up 7% in the past 6 months."
January 2006
網路地圖競爭激烈 MapQuest倍感壓力
by vista根據ComScore Media Metrix九月份的調查,網路上查詢網路地圖資訊的人,有百分之七十都會先查詢MapQuest.com,Yahoo佔百分之三十二,Google佔百分之二十五。這樣的市場分佈一年來都大致相同。
「MapQuest維持領先的原因只有一個,我們時時關注使用者需求。」MapQuest公司總經理Tommy McGloin說。
(2 marks)