public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags literature & composition

November 2006

Poynter Online - Writing Tools

by jlesage
50 writing tools, a quick list; we can all benefit from these

Word Circuits

by jlesage
"This is a place for poetry and fiction born to pixels rather than the page--writing that's digital down to its bones." An excellent resource with both online poetry, often Flash poetry, and other links.

April 2006


by YukuanMark

February 2006

short stories at east of the web

by tinyirishdancer & 2 others
Find this month's featured stories above and in the nine genres. You can browse the library by genre or search it for a title, author or keyword. Stories can be read online, printed or downloaded for reading offline or on handheld devices.

January 2006


by YukuanMark
余光中曾在《從徐霞客到梵谷》的〈中文的常態與變態〉文中批判這種「軟化了動詞、架空了動詞」的弱動詞 (weak verbs) 弊病:

November 2005


by YukuanBlog

August 2005

Atomic Poet

by atomicpoet
Hi there! Welcome to my poetry blog. Over here, I hope you will discover pictures painted with words, feelings and deep longings articulated, and thoughts splashed with colour.

Active users

last mark : 27/11/2006 01:34

last mark : 02/04/2006 09:13

last mark : 19/02/2006 03:36

last mark : 09/01/2006 12:25

last mark : 21/08/2005 17:48