public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags left & academic

November 2006

generations, translations

by jlesage
research and translations by a small group of people interested in developing critical approaches to philosophy and social and political thought. It involves theoretical openness as an experimental method, as an ethical principle and as a social practice

archive : s0metim3s | Undercommons 2.0 | October | 2006

by jlesage
Andrew Ross: “Technology and Below-the-Line Labor in the Copyfight over Intellectual Property” (American Quarterly, 58:3, 2006).

The Art of Rent by David Harvey, SR 2002 | Socialist Register

by jlesage
"a widespread belief that there is something special about certain cultural products and events (be they in the arts, theatre, music, cinema, architecture or more broadly in localized ways of life, heritage, collective memories and affective communities).

Continental Drift a seminar with Brian Holmes

by jlesage
"articulating the immense geopolitical and economic shifts which took place between 1989-2001, the effects of those changes on bodies of governance and in turn the effects on subjectivity today"; links to political and social readings

October 2006

Mute magazine-"Time, Labour & Social Domination"

by jlesage
long review by Moishe Postone; in-depth analysis of contemporary theories of non-material labor in information field

Professor Stephen Graham - Writing & Publication

by jlesage
left urban geographer, with many online writings, often with an international focus

influence of Henri Lefevre

by jlesage
Stuart Elden traces influence of Lefevre's concept of space on contemporary theorists like Castells

re-public: re.imagining democracy

by jlesage
e-journal: "process of re-imagining democracy, broadly conceived as referring to the multitude of practices that shape everyday life"; in-depth left essays from an international perspective

September 2006

Mountain Dew WebSpace (Marxist Theory / Film Theory)

by jlesage
Eccentric links site that points to film theory material not found elsewhere, but also has page for "nude pictures." This link is to film theory part.

August 2006

Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net

by jlesage
interesting left theory online journal--"exploring culture and politics after the net"

Main Page - MarxWiki

by jlesage
developed by a class taught by Kathleen Fitzpatrick

July 2006

Welcome to Landscapes of Capital

by jlesage
how space/time (speed), capital and globalization are represented in corporate television advertising, one of the best academic web sites in scope, graphic design, and visual analysis

Douglas Kellner site

by jlesage
important writer on critical theory, cultural studies

June 2006

Doug Kellner blog

by jlesage
major thinker about critical communication

Active users

last mark : 15/11/2006 23:30