JJSA - Journal of Japanese Sword Arts
by TakwannThe Journal of Japanese Sword Arts began life in 1989 as a monthly newsletter. More than 90 issues and almost ten years later it is still being produced. The Journal contains news, reviews, announcements, and in depth articles concerning all aspects of the Japanese sword.
The Journal contains all the copy in The Iaido Newsletter, plus much more.
Check out the JJSA Awards for sword related websites.
The editor, publisher, and chief inking boy is Kim Taylor, a long time student of Japanese sword, and associate editor of the Journal of Asian Martial Arts.
Japanese Swords, Antique swords, WWII swords, Tsuka-maki, Translations, Restoration, Sell, Buy
by Takwann & 1 otherCircle M Tsuka-maki (Hilt wrapping) and Japanese Swords
FightingArts.com - The Study Of Iaido
by Takwann (via)This is the first in a continuing series of articles on the Japanese art of iaido the modern discipline or way of drawing the sword that was popularized in the 1930's. It was derived from iaijutsu, a sub-specialization of kenjutsu (sword arts) that was practiced by professional (samurai) warriors and involved methods of drawing the sword and cutting as a single motion. Future articles will focus on concepts that relate to practice and then on specific analyses of kata and basic techniques.
AIKIBATTO aikido sword exercises - Aikiken
by TakwannAikibatto is a system of sword exercises, both Aikiken style bokken with partner and iaido style solo training with iaito or shinken, for learning how to handle the sword in an aiki way.
(4 marks)