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PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & wifi


Testez la sécurité de votre Wifi (WPS)

by Giraultises (via)
Si vous pouvez vous connecter à votre réseau WiFi grâce à WPS (Wifi Protected Setup), il est possible que votre routeur ou votre box soit vulnérable à cause d'un code PIN par défaut qu'un attaquant pourrait facilement trouver. Pour savoir si c'est le cas, il existe Wifi WPS WPA Tester et intègre une liste de codes pin par défaut ainsi différents algos capables de trouver ces codes PIN.




Google Brings Free Wi-Fi to Some New York Subway Stations -

by touristic (via)
Google is paying for the service from now until Sept. 7.



Skyhook Wireless

by nhoizey
Si vous trouvez qu'il est difficile de trouver où vous êtes avec la recherche automatique proposée par votre iPhone ou iPod Touch, vous pouvez maintenant référencer de nouveaux hotspots WiFi, à commencer par le(s) votre(s) !


Skype and Google Fund FON

by _Nico & 1 other (via)
FON a wireless services company started by maverick entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky has just raised $21.7 million from Google, Skype, and Sequoia Capital.

Skype and Google Fund FON

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
FON a wireless services company started by maverick entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky has just raised $21.7 million from Google, Skype, and Sequoia Capital.


Google Proposes Mountain View Wi-Fi Network

by teleclick
Google has announced plans to use its home city of Mountain View, California as a testing ground to prove the social and financial benefits of providing customers with free wireless internet connections.

New Google Wi-Fi Details Surface

by teleclick
Google’s eight-page proposal for a free Wi-Fi network in San Francisco has now been publicly released, and with it come new details about the company’s plans.

Google Wi-Fi May Threaten Other ISPs

by teleclick
There has recently been some speculation that if the city of San Francisco accepts Google’s proposal to offer a free citywide Wi-Fi network, the new network may steal customers from already-established cable and telephone providers.

Google Proposes Free Wi-Fi Network In San Francisco

by teleclick
Google spokesman, Nate Tyler, has recently confirmed that Google is proposing to provide free Wi-Fi internet access to residents of San Francisco.

Google Begins Testing New Wi-Fi Service

by teleclick
Internet search giant, Google, confirmed on Tuesday that it is beginning to test a free wireless internet service, called Google Wi-Fi.

Google’s buying more fiber, WiFi pages

by arnet
Photos of the new Google Secure Access client

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