public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags feminism & ethnicity

December 2006

Trinh T. Minh-ha essay

by jlesage
Not You/Like You: Post-Colonial Women and the Interlocking Questions of Identity and Difference, by Trinh T. Minh-ha

November 2006

Difference, Diversity and Nomadic Subjectivity

by jlesage
Braidotti is a theorist combining the insights of Donna Haraway with postcolonial theory; this earlier (1998) essay still has relevance today. Useful in teaching.

SF Gate: Sex trafficking from South Korea to US

by jlesage
During their trip to South Korea, Chronicle reporter Meredith May and staff photographer Deanne Fitzmaurice found that while the public sex industry has slowed, parts of the business has gone underground and is still alive and well. Audio/slideshow in 4 p

"Cyberfeminism with a difference" by Rosi Braidotti

by jlesage
an important essay building on the work of Donna Haraway, emphasizing the kinds of empoverishment that come with globalization, and the possibilities for new forms of collective identity in cyberspace, while eschewing utopianism.

Radical Graphics

by jlesage
large collection organized by thematic and political categories; useful for office door poster, flyer, or demonstration

Place: Cultural, Disability, Ethnic, Media, Postcolonial, Race Studies

by jlesage
huge multi-page database of links on space and place in cultural geography as applicable to interdisciplinary studies

October 2006

Literary Resources on the Net (Lynch)

by jlesage
updated 2006. Topics include historical periods for British and U.S. Literature, Theatre and Drama, Theory, Women's Literature & Feminism, Ethnicities & Nationalities, Hypertext

Carnival of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

by jlesage
accumulation of blog entries on important postcolonial theorist

September 2006

De una de las mujeres que amo. | Negra cubana... tenĂ­a que ser

by jlesage
Cuban woman's blog with article about the representation of black women in advertising, in Spanish

Film Bibliographies: Media Resources Center UCB

by jlesage
Good place to start research for both scholars and students, comprehensive resource collection for film studies at UC-Berkeley: Bibliographies here for many film/TV Topics,Themes, Genres, Directors; on National Cinemas; and on Individual Films/Videos; Ful

Film Studies Resources - Academic Info

by jlesage
useful site with lots of resources: bibliographies, "digital library" links, academic programs listed; full text artices; Online Film Collections, Archives, Themes: women, genre, theory; Film History, silent and sound eras, International--by region; Indiv

July 2006

Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media

by jlesage
analyses with extensive visual examples; archives of print issues since 1974

June 2006

EServer: Cultural Studies and Critical Theory

by jlesage
large bibliography with links to many full text essays--american studies, critical legal studies, literature, marxism, media, popular culture, postcolonialism, queer, race, women's studies

Active users

last mark : 01/12/2006 00:24