July 2006
by rickdog & 1 otherMyToday is a public aggregator having topic based collection of RSS feeds called Dailies. A Daily is a set of RSS feeds around the topic providing latest news, views and content on that topic. Mobile service is at http://m.mytoday.com/
February 2006
January 2006
October 2005
Google Reader - Feed reader
by svartlingGoogle Reader makes it easier to keep up with your ever-expanding reading list of content from across the web.
August 2005
svartling: Rojo är nu den bästa RSS läsaren med hjälp av greasemonkey
by svartlingJag har alltid gillat on-line webb feed läsaren Rojo.
Alla de extra finesserna som Rojo har som inte Bloglines har, gör tjänsten mycket intressant.
(11 marks)