public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags bookmarks & sharing


El club de la Noticia Plugin Worpress

by walo
This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.

WordPress › el-club-de-la-noticia « WordPress Plugins

by walo
Adds an icon to share [El club de la Noticia]( news and social networking icons at the end of a post for readers to share. This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.



Linkwad :: Firefox Add-ons

by springnet
Linkwad lets you save and restore tabbed browsing sessions called wads. Wads can be shared and accessed from any computer. You can also share your "wads".


Mozilla Labs Blog » Blog Archive » Keep track of your friends with The Coop

by cyberien & 1 other (via)
Just a few years ago, one of the most popular uses of the internet was to send jokes, cute pictures, and news stories to friends and family (social networks) via email. Fast forward to today, and you’ll find that not a lot has changed except the medium. Now one of the most common uses of instant messenger services and social networking sites is to send people links to jokes, cute pictures and interesting news stories. This behavior isn’t at all surprising - it’s friends sharing experiences, the very backbone of social interactions and friendships. It’s also unsurprising that most “Web 2.0″ services have a feature that makes it easy for you to build a social network so that you can share things more easily, or subscribe to a friend’s activity as a way of keeping in touch. What is surprising, however, is how little of this type of functionality has made it into today’s web browsers. The result is that when people think of tools for social interaction, email and instant messenger are at the top of their list, not web browsers.


Yoono Weblog

by stan & 24 others
Avec yoono, trouvez les sites, les fils d’information et les experts sur vos sujets favoris. Complémentaire des moteurs classiques, yoono indexe les favoris des internautes pour une recherche thématique plus pertinente et plus rapide.

The Best Stuff in the World!

by slogoo & 17 others
世界上最好的东东?分类浏览,Tag浏览,RSS浏览。首先有感觉的是她的创意:发现共享最好的东东,几乎囊括了所有分类!最有感觉的是她的搜索框,很像 !

Jookster - Search, Find, Share

by slogoo & 9 others
Jookster是一个2.0的新颖的搜索引擎, 它优先对有用户经过bookmark的页面进行关键词的分析, 然后将这些页面置于搜索结果的首要位置, 其他一般的搜索结果页面紧随其后. 该服务的核心是, 当你扼/p>

LookLater: Home

by slogoo & 12 others
LookLater 创建可搜索的书签, 建立在线个人档案, 无需下载软件, 允许用户很方便地"点击添加"页面的任何部分(图片, 文本和链接)作为书签, 存储入个人档案

Welcome To Grouper

by slogoo & 25 others
无缝导入,编辑和共享你的视频文件的平台. v2.0的Grouper, 只适用于Windows系统, 要求下载一个客户端, 可以无限量上传图片和视频文件, 任何内容可以被设置成公开, 私密或对特定人群开放. 内容发布

Clipmarks - It's a Big Web. Clip It.

by slogoo & 29 others
Clipmarks,把从各个网站收集来的东西放在一个网站里进行存储, 并进行tag分类, 再与朋友分享.

Rallypoint - Online Collaboration

by slogoo & 22 others
Rallypoint 在线协同服务, 可以用来创建,组织和分享你的公司的经验和知识. 使用基于网络的文本,社会性标签(tagging), 用户创建的一些收藏和其他社会性功能. Rallypoint合作加入了Writely, Jotspot Live和Zo

Yoono, People Powered

by slogoo & 24 others
Yoono是一个协作搜索, 共享和交换信息的工具. 它把网络上已经存在的如社会性书签功能, 搜索功能, RSS功能等整合在一个站点之中. 该站在社会性书签和搜索功能中没有使用代表web2.0主要特征的t

Diigo - social annotation and social bookmarking

by slogoo & 44 others
Diigo意为" Digest of Internet Information, Groups and other stuff", 有一个社会性书签网站, 可以允许用户高亮显示多个内容区, 该网站有不少新的功能.

Wizlite | Collaborative Page Highlighting

by slogoo & 20 others


by slogoo & 18 others
Plum社会性书签网站, 与其他书签网站将书签存于网络不同, 该网站允许用户将书签存放在电脑本机.提供便捷的工具将书签的内容转换成blog的内容, 相册, feed等

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last mark : 12/01/2006 23:36