Protocol Reference - Google Data APIs - Google Code
by holyverGoogle Data APIs - Google Code
by holyver (via)Google Data APIs Overview - Google Data APIs - Google Code
by holyverGetting to know the Atom Publishing Protocol, Part 1: Create and edit Web resources with the Atom Publishing Protocol
by holyver & 1 other (via)SOA is Dead
by nhoizey2008
InfoQ: Hypermedia in RESTful applications
by nhoizeyREST vs. SOAP at Amazon
by nhoizeyOCTO Technology - Communication - Livres Blancs
by Elryk2007
L'architecture orientée ressource pour faire des services web RESTful - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.
by nhoizey & 7 othersPete Lacey’s Weblog :: What is SOA?
by nhoizeyREST vs. WS-*: War is Over (If You Want It) :: David Chappell :: Blog
by nhoizey & 1 other2006
» The SOA with reach: Web-Oriented Architecture | Enterprise Web 2.0 | ZDNet.com
by benoitThe only real difference between traditional SOA and the concept of WOA is that WOA advocates REST, an increasingly popular, powerful, and simple method of leveraging HTTP as a Web service in its own right (and carefully devised by the co-creator of HTTP, Roy Fielding.)