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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "Social Commerce" & engagement

29 June 2012 08:15

The 6 Pillars of Social Commerce: Understanding the psychology of engagement - Brian Solis

by Teulliac
Social media is about social science not technology. As such, its value is not realized in the Likenomics of relationship status nor in the scores individuals earn by engaging in social networks. The value of social media comes down to people, relationships, and the meaningful actions between them. As such, its value is measured through the exchange of social currencies that contribute to one’s capital within each network. Through conversations, what we share, and  the content we create, consume and curate, we individually invest in the commerce of information and the relationships that naturally unfold. It is in how these relationships take shape that is both in and out of your control. This is why, in the age of social networking, relevant engagement counts for everything.

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last mark : 29/06/2012 08:20