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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "CSS desgin" & css

13 August 2006

09 August 2006

27 July 2006

24 July 2006

Carbonmade: Your online portfolio.

by oqdbpo & 35 others
We built Carbonmade because we needed something to manage our work. The application turned out so well that we decided to share with all of you fine internet folks. Since February 2006 we have spent our off hours tinkering with Carbonmade. With feedback from our ever-growing community and lots of nerdy elbow grease it has become something that we are are quite proud of.

19 July 2006

Tom S. Weber presents:

by oqdbpo a place - also known as "blog" - where the author Tom S. Weber writes about webstandards, XHTML, CSS and other programming languages like JavaScript or Java! He do it not for work, it's just a hobby. Next to these topics you will find some entertaining movies respective clips which you really should enjoy ;)!


by oqdbpo
Flomaster - это студия, где во главу угла ставится качество выполненной работы. Опыт, которым мы обладаем позволяет делать удобные и доступные веб-сайты. Мы поможем Вам с Вашим первым сайтом в интернет, оптимизируем работу уже существующего, разработаем для Вас качественную графику и напишем код, отвечающий современным стандартам.

luke stevens | design consulting

by oqdbpo
luke stevens design consulting is the studio of designer Luke Stevens, based in Sydney, Australia.

14 July 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "CSS desgin"

design +   mobile +   web +  

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last mark : 13/08/2006 13:45