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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 & socialsoftware

January 2007

November 2006

May 2006

February 2006

Sociable games at Suttree, Elixir for Immortal Baboon

by bcpbcp
Like most people, I played around with Ning when it launched. I didn’t really know what to make of it and filed the link away as ‘one to come back to’. - Play with your friends! - Flash Player Installation

by bcpbcp
Ambiente multiplayer que permite que se integre um jogo qualquer com ele. Ferramentas para o desenvolvedor.» Blog Archive » Wasabi

by bcpbcp
Wasabi, um serviço brasileiro em que você cadastra seus principais feeds, como, blog pessoal, photos (flickr) e adiciona amigos como contatos.

January 2006

'Tagging' gives Web a human meaning | CNET

by bcpbcp
If you've been to a technology event recently, especially one with a high concentration of digerati, you may have seen someone stand up and tell everyone what the event's Flickr tag is.

Play Between Worlds - The MIT Press

by bcpbcp (via)
In Play Between Worlds, T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps--as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline space. Taylor questions the common assumption that playing computer games is an isolating and alienating activity indulged in by solitary teenage boys. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), in which thousands of players participate in a virtual game world in real time, are in fact actively designed for sociability. Games like the popular Everquest, she argues, are fundamentally social spaces.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 2006

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last mark : 20/01/2007 10:10

last mark : 26/02/2006 17:24