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PUBLIC MARKS with tag turing


Twuring - The Twitter Turing Test

by parmentierf
This is a contest and resources for writing a Turing Test capable chatbot on twitter. The turing test means that the bot needs to be capable of being indistinguishable (or as near as) from a human being. So a spammy bot will get nowhere. If you can code in C#, perl, python, ruby or (insert favourite programming language of choice here) then come have a go at it!



Nick Szabo -- Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory

by ogrisel (via)
Recent discoveries have unified the fields of computer science and information theory into the field of algorithmic information theory. This field is also known by its main result, Kolmogorov complexity. Kolmogorov complexity gives us a new way to grasp the mathematics of information, which is used to describe the structures of the world. Information is used to describe the cultural structures of science, legal and market institutions, art, music, knowledge, and beliefs. Information is also used in describing the structures and processes of biological phenomena, and phenomena of the physical world. The most obvious application of information is to the engineering domains of computers and communications. This essay will provide an overview of the field; only passing knowledge of computer science and probability theory is required of the reader.



by YukuanMark

Chatterbots, Tinymuds, and the Turing Test

by parmentierf (via)
This paper describes the development of one such Turing System, including the technical design of the program and its performance on the first three Loebner Prize competitions. We also discuss the program's four year development effort, which has depended heavily on constant interaction with people on the Internet via Tinymuds (multiuser network communication servers that are a cross between role-playing games and computer forums like CompuServe). Finally, we discuss the design of the Loebner competition itself, and address its usefulness in furthering the development of Artificial Intelligence.

How I failed the Turing test | BlogCadre

by micah
I started receiving a number of random instant messages from people...who thought they were contacting a celebrity and people who thought they were contacting a robot. I began to discover...I consistently fail to be perceived as human.

Grand Text Auto » Testing Turing

by bcpbcp
A Review of Turing (A Novel about Computation) Christos H. Papadimitriou MIT Press 2003/2005 paper 208 pp. $32.00/$13.95 paper


Turing Machines Definition

by nachilau
Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - The definition of the turning machine

Imitation et authentification : le test de Turing et la crytographie

by parmentierf (via)
Ce mémoire est une enquête sur les notions d'imitation et d'authentification. Comme une telle enquête ne saurait être purement conceptuelle, nous arpentons essentiellement deux terrains : celui du test de Turing et celui de la cryptologie. Nous nous concentrons d'abord sur le test de Turing pour montrer qu'une analyse de l'imitation et de l'authentification permet de dégager quelques arguments en faveur de sa validité. Puis nous étudions la manière dont les travaux de Turing en cryptanalyse ont pu l'amener à l'hypothèse de la pensée des machines et à cette formulation précise du jeu de l'imitation. Enfin, nous étudions les logiques de l'authentification, lesquelles sont destinées à l'analyse des protocoles cryptographiques d'identification.

Imitation et authentification : le test de Turing et la crytographie

by parmentierf
Un mémoire de DEA en Sciences Cognitives sur le test de Turing et la cryptographie


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