public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags technology & uml


Sparx Systems releases Enterprise Architect 10

Sparx has release a new version of Enterprise Architect. This tool is by far the best software engineering tool available on the market today. I have been using it as my primary tool for Enterprise and Software Architecture for years now. If you have never checked it out, now is as good as time as any.

Software Engineering Best Practices: Lessons from Successful Projects in the Top Companies Book Review

This is one of those books that should be read by every person with a relationship to IT. Testers, CIOs, CFOs, developers, architects, project managers, and agilists will benefit from this book. I highly recommend reading it. You will come out the back end of it with a complete new perspective on Software Engineering.

Sparx Systems has released Enterprise Architect 9.3 which includes ArchiMate 2.0

Sparx Enterprise Architecture is my tool of choice for software architecture, design, project management, and project planning. This new version offers some really great new features.

.NET Architecture and Development Book Recommendations for 2012

Another year has gone by. Happy New Year everyone. It is time to update my book recommendation blog. There have been a ton of books come out this year both good and bad.


Data Integration Blueprint and Modeling: Techniques for a Scalable and Sustainable Architecture Book Review

Data integration is a complex, detailed, sometimes excruciating boring activity, which is not an activity for the light at heart. This book does a great job of digging into the details of the data transformations. It is not just a high level look at data integration, it gets into the weeds.

Software Product Line Engineering Resource Kit

I recently decided to update the Product Line Engineering Assets I reuse from project to project. In the past I reused a baseline project that contained a folder structure and the UML stereotypes needed to do Use Cases, Feature, and Static Modeling.

Software Product Lines: Research Issues in Engineering and Management Book Review

Anyone considering venturing into Software Product Line Engineering should read this book. It contains essential information needed to succeed.


Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2010 Feature Pack 2.

Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2010 Feature Pack 2 which includes Microsoft Test Manager to capture and playback action recordings for Silverlight 4 applications.

Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 Book Review

This is a pretty sweet book. There are a ton of features in Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010. This book does a great job of covering all of them that are related to Application Lifecycle Management.

The Decision Model: A Business Logic Framework Linking Business and Technology Book Review

This book is a very interesting read. It is about a new type of modeling called the decision model. The decision model has the potential to add great value to the software development process. It is intended to bridge the gap between the business users and the technical team on any given project.


Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice Book Review

I recommend this book for the beginner, as well as the experienced, software architect. It is a must read.


Will the Microsoft VSTS 2010 Architecture UML tools be used by the Development Community?

As happy as I am to see them going with UML, I am hoping the grapevine is wrong, and that the tools are not exclusively for the VSTS 2010 Architecture versions. I am afraid if that is the case, they won't be getting used very much at all. At least not in the environments I have been in lately. .....

Sparx EA 7.1 beta 2 and MDG Link 3.5 beta 1 for VSTS 2008 Available

Sparx has released Enterprise Architect 7.1 beta 2 and MDG Link 3.5 beta 1 for Visual Studio 2008.

SPARX Enterprise Architecture (EA) 7.1 - Beta 1 and UPDM Available

SPARX has released Enterprise Architecture 7.1. They have also released MDG Technology for UPDM (The UML Profile for DoDAF/MODAF).


Sparx Systems releases MDG Technology for Zachman Framework beta

This latest addition to the MDG Technology series underpins the organizational viewpoints and structures of the Zachman Framework with great depth, breadth and modeling integrity.

SPARX Enterprise Architect Add-in: SpEAd (formerly EA Utilities)

An add-in for Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems to improve productivity, particularly when maintining existing diagrams.

SPARX EA 7.0 and MDG Link 3.0 for VSTS 2005 Works, but the Annoying Upgrade Installation Process is Back

Today I took the chance that the problem in this post which caused me to revert back to EA (Enterprise Architect) 6.5 from EA 7.0 and from MDG 3.0 to MDG 2.1 was fixed with SPARX EA build 814.

SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA) 7.0 and MDG Link 3.0 for Visual Studio 2005 Installation Headaches

I upgraded to SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA) 7.0 and MDG Link 3.0 for Visual Studio 2005 and then downgraded to MDG Link 2.1 for Visual Studio 2005.

WAE UML Stereotypes, Stencils, Templates, and ASP.NET Patterns for Visio

Over the past couple years I have been using Sparx EA for my UML documentation. In the past I have used Visio extensively. I have noticed quite a few people searching for the Web Application Extension (WAE) for UML lately. I have uploaded the templates that I used in the past.

Product Line Engineering (PLE) UML Modeling Profile in Sparx Enterprise Architect (EA)

Product Line Engineering is at the heart of Microsoft's Software Factory movement. Although we have benefited greatly from the release of the Mobile Client Software Factory, the Smart Client Software Factory, the Web Client Software Factory, and the Web Service Software Factory, we still do not have any new tools to create our own. I am still defaulting to the UML Profile that has served me well in the past. This series cover the PLE UML profile and contains a Sparx EA template with the profile pre-loaded.