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PUBLIC MARKS from tacodog77 with tag java

22 November 2006 21:00

Performance-Driven: Why enterprise developers (generally) use Java and game programmers (generally) use C++

by 1 other
Gaming programmers are performance-oriented to the extreme, because if you release a game and it’s slow, no one is going to use it no matter how cool it is or how many features it has. Other programmers often code first for functionality, and at the end of the cycle, start to worry about performance issues. Game programmers need optimized performance from the get-go. This means game programmers are willing to forgo certain things. For example, the enterprise side of the software world was very quick to move to Java when it first came out, but the game programmers didn’t.

tacodog77's TAGS related to tag java

c++ +   enterprise developers +   game programmers +   network management +   performance management +