Transfer only selected file types with rsync | Open Source Technical Blog
(via)find source -name "*.png" -print0 | rsync -av --files-from=- --from0 ./ ./destination/
rsync -av --include='*/' --include='*.png' --exclude='*' source/ destination/
Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Rsync
by 11 others (via)As of rsync-2.5.6, the --link-dest option is now standard! That can be used instead of the separate cp -al and rsync stages, and it eliminates the ownerships/permissions bug. I now recommend using it. Also, I'm proud to report this article is mentioned in Linux Server Hacks, a new (and very good, in my opinion) O'Reilly book by compiled by Rob Flickenger.
How to Copy a Filesystem and Preserve Hard Links in Linux (by Jeremy Zawodny)
(via)But since much of the data consists of remote filesystem snapshots produced using rsnapshot, which makes copious use of hard links, it's rather important that I do this correctly. If I don't, the data won't even
(6 marks)