October 2009
Viral Test - Viral Case
Bienvenue sur le premier film viral ouvert à tous les annonceurs : le Viral Test
October 2008
Compte rendu du Viral Film Festival 2008 | FredCavazza.net
(via)C’est donc hier soir que c’est tenu la première édition du Viral Film Festival. Soirée organisée par l’agence Vanksen / CultureBuzz et présentée (en partie) par un Gonzague en sweet de djeunz
January 2008
Firefox Users Against Boredom
(via)Statistics show that Firefox Users are more inclined to have rich, exciting experiences on the web and in everyday life. Others, however, find themselves paralyzed by the death grip of boredom. It's not their fault. Many are good people who simply got off to a bad start. It's our duty to show them that the numbers can be in their favor. So spread the word because hope of a more interesting life is only a download away.
(4 marks)