September 2007
Quelques informations confidentielles sur Google Reader
L'information a été divulguée par un employé de Google, Ben Darnell, dans une vidéo confidentielle qui a été supprimée depuis de Google Video. Dans cette vidéo, cet employé explique plusieurs informations sur les infrastructures qui se cachent derrière le lecteur RSS de la firme de Moutain View agrémentées de pas mal de chiffres
June 2007
Iosart Blog » WebRunner or How Google Reader became my main RSS aggregator
(via)To solve this problem I thought about ways I could create two separate ‘spaces’ – one would be my browser space in which I could be logged out from Google and periodically log-in into various Google apps, and a ‘Google Reader’ space in which I would be constantly logged in into Google Reader.
It occurred to me that XulRunner would be a perfect candidate for this. I thought about creating some custom solution using XulRunner, but then remembered that Mark Finkle has already created something very similar – WebRunner.
(2 marks)