public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag legal

July 2009

Choosing Section 1031 Exchange Is Simple

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Investors can defer taxes that would have been payable on capital gains at a later date by utilizing a Section 1031 Exchange.

Why You Need A Foreclosure Defense Lawyer

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Did you know that in the United States alone, during the month of September 2008, nearly three hundred thousand houses were foreclosed?

The Basic Facts Of IRS Mileage Rate

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Since January 2009, we can use the IRS mileage rate to determine how much we are allowed to claim a deductible expense. We can also use it to operate a car or vehicle for medical use, moving purposes and even for business use.

June 2009

San Francisco Bankruptcy Lawyer Help

In light of the recent problems in the current financial situation in the United States, many more people are finding themselves in need of a San Francisco bankruptcy lawyer. They offer their clients the opportunity to have a creative and timely soluti...

March 2009

Why Experts Think That Identity Theft Is An Invisible Threat

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Do you know that identity theft has been causing many sleepless nights for the ordinary people more than those who are suffering from migraine attacks? This is a worldwide risk that not a single soul is spare or safe from it.

Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy

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After you finish your bankruptcy, you'll get a very intensive sense of relief. You're starting a new chapter in your life. You're now ready for a brand-new start financially. However, before you'll be able to actually get moving in your new financia...

February 2009

Why Create an LLC in Virginia?

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It is a good thing if you are pondering over whether to start a new business. Business ownership is not only a wonderful way for you to provide something valuable to this world, but it is an avenue to financial independence and extra income.

How to find a attorney

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Being overly enmeshed in your case:Divorce typically deals with topics that bring about high emotions and intensity, which may result in a spouse becoming overly indulged or enmeshed in his/her case. When this happens, it is not uncommon for a spouse t...

January 2009

Credit After Bankruptcy

If you have filed bankruptcy you should expect your credit will be severely damaged. However there is hope, you can take action to remove your bad credit and by building some positive credit you can have a high score.