public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag "article submission"

May 2009

The Role of Article Submission Service to the Overall Success of Your Website

by 1 other
In internet advertising, article submission service is just like your invitations to a party you are organizing. Now you want the whole world to attend your party right? The more the merrier. Because in the internet, the more visitors you have, you are...

March 2009

UAW Will Keep Your Business & MLM Successful in Slow Economy

by 1 other
We all know that in recent months the economy worldwide has been slowing at a scary pace. Concerned business owners, whether online or off, wonder what to do. Should I cut my advertising? Do I cut back on my marketing efforts? How do I weather the st...

February 2009

Get The Most Out Of Your Online Article Submission

by 1 other
The first thing you should do when you write an article for an online article submission is make sure that your keyword is properly sprinkled through out your article. You can do this by using your keyword every hundred words or so. Keywords are very...

Should my Domain Contain My Keywords?

by 1 other
There are really two answers to this question. First of all if you are starting a new business, and have yet to register your domain, then yes, register a domain that has your keywords in it. It is best to use hyphenated keywords. The reason for thi...

Compare Article Submission Express and Article Submitter Pro

Article Submitter Pro submits to 150 directories and Ezines with a bunch of email subscribers which do nothing for SEO. Article Submission Express submits to 7000 directories and ezines which help your SEO.

November 2008

Unique Article Wizard Rockets Businesses to Top of Search Engines

by 1 other
Would you like your business in the number one position in Google even in the most competitive of markets? By using the Unique Article Wizard you will have the single most effective tool on the internet for creating genuine backlinks to your site, incr...