Meteor Slides | Josh Leuze
This plugin makes it simple to manage a slideshow with WordPress by adding a custom post type for slides. The slideshow is powered by jQuery Cycle and has over twenty transition styles to choose from
Beautiful advanced jQuery background image slideshow | marcofolio.net
Advanced #jQuery background image slideshow
Supersized | buildinternet.com
Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin
Uploadify | uploadify.com
by 7 othersa jQuery plugin that allows the easy integration of file uploads
The Sexy Curls jQuery Plugin | elliottkember.com
by 2 otherscréer un effet "coin qui se plie" avec le code html derrière sur une page web
Improve your jQuery - 25 excellent tips | tvidesign.co.uk
by 8 othersconseils pour une bonne utilisation de jQuery
jQuery pageSlide | halobrite.com
by 4 othersplugin for jQuery that slides the viewable webpage off-screen, revealing and populating a secondary interaction pane. It may be used in a similar manner to Lightbox, where screen real estate and centralization of the user experience are a concern.
Jgrowl | stanlemon.net
"A jQuery version of the growl mac app. Allows you to display notification messages in the viewport"
AJAX Libraries API | google.com
by 7 others, 2 commentsGoogle offers permanent hosting for major Ajax libraries
Multiple File Upload plugin for jQuery | fyneworks.com
by 4 othersupload multiple de fichier avec différentes contraintes
Password Strength Meter (a jquery plugin) | wordpress.com
by 1 otherContrôleur d'efficacité de mot de passe
(12 marks)