public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tag carousel

February 2009

Interaction Design Skills: Carousels |

"5 minute video tutorial will show many different kinds of carousels in action and teach you the three key design criteria you need to know to create your own. Excellent stuff and the best discussion of why carousels are effective, and a thorough review of the different kinds of carousels in action." via

April 2008

40+ Carousel Designs |

carousel has become a very popular way to showcase multiple pieces of featured content within a fixed promotional area.

January 2008

ImageFlow |

by 4 others
Créer un CoverFlow en javascript

June 2007

iCarousel |

by 2 others
carousel open source en javascript qui vous permettra de créer des petites applis qui dérouleront des données dans le même style que certains widgets

simon_bricolo's TAGS related to tag carousel

article +   coverflow +   gallery +   javascript +   navigation +   slideshow +   tools +   video +