public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sebastien with tag outil

March 2008

February 2008

October 2007

August 2007

3 plugins Internet Explorer pour le développement Web

Lorsque vous développez pour des sites grand public, Firefox est suffisant pour faire un beau site respectueux des standards, mais pas assez pour faire un site parfaitement fonctionnel sous IE. A l’heure actuelle, Microsoft truste encore une grosse part du marché, et passer sous silence des tests sous son navigateur serait une faute professionnelle ! Voici donc la version IE des plugins pour améliorer votre expérience de développeur !

June 2007

April 2007

February 2007

WAT-C Web Accessibility Tools Consortium

The Web Accessibility Tools Consortium [WAT-C] provides a collection of free tools to assist both developers and designers in the development and testing of accessible web content. The consortium is a collaboration of some of the world's leading accessibility practitioners, founded by Accessible Information Solutions (Australia), Infoaxia (Japan), The Paciello Group (USA), Wrong HTML (Japan), and Juicy Studio (UK).

Welcome to Zoho Show - Online presentation tool

by 1 other
Create, edit, publish, and show presentations. Invite participants for remote presentation. Share your presentations with your friends, colleagues and relatives. Import Powerpoint files in both read-only and read-write modes. - Live presentations on the web!

by 50 others
Welcome to, a new site for making and sharing presentations on the web. This site is just getting started, so if something's missing, or you can't find what you need, please let us know! We'll help out as best we can.

January 2007

October 2006

Favicon from Pics

by 90 others
Would you like to display your own icon on the browser address bar when visitors view or bookmark your web page? Now it's easy to create icons for your web pages with FavIcon from Pics. Simply select a picture, logo or other graphic (of any size/resolution) for the "Source Image" and click "Generate FavIcon.ico"...