public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from russtproof

23 May 2005

NPPA Best of Photojournalism Websites 2005

Compete with the very best in still and television photojournalism, in picture editing, and Web editing. Now in its fourth year, the Best of Photojournalism is the world's leading digital photojournalism contest.

21 May 2005

FavIcon from Pics

by 45 others
Generate your own favicon from pictures.

20 May 2005

Delivr Digital Postcards

by 5 others
Delivr is a new web service that lets you send photos from photo-sharinig service as a postcard. Search by keyword for Creative Commons-licensed Flickr photos, enter your postcard message, and send to a lucky recipient for a much more original and personal alternative to Hallmark-ish e-cards.

15 May 2005

List of Good Wireless Internet Sites

by 3 others
No more waiting for a complex site to load up while you get bombarded with charges by your carrier! Use a portal made for you mobile device. These portals collect sites, which are made to be used on small screens.

26 April 2005


by 4 others
A comic that reflects modern life and current issues.

Welcome to

by 1 other
A site about the lives of expatriates living in Hong Kong.

russtproof's TAGS


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blog   cards   comic   delivr   design   favicon   flickr   generator   hong kong   humor   images   internet   mobile   nppa   online   photo   photography   photojournalism   portal   postcard   tool   webpage   wireless