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PUBLIC MARKS from roberto with tags time & python

18 October 2005 19:00

ASPN : Python Cookbook : Simple web request benchmark

This recipe measures the amount of time to perform each portion of a request to a single file many times, and prints the results in a somewhat reasonable fashion.

16 October 2005 20:00

jcalderone: Divmod Epsilon Released

First, there's epsilon.extime, a module which offers conversion to and from a variety of time formats: RFC 2822 formatted dates, POSIX timestamps, datetime objects, struct_time objects, ISO8601 formatted timestamps, and a particular context-aware format known as the "human readable format". Additionally, it offers a Time class which can be constructed from or converted to any of these formats, as well as have certain date math performed on it.

roberto's TAGS related to tag time

benchmark +   blog +   javascript +   python +   recipe +   web +