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PUBLIC MARKS from rmaltete with tag java


Simple Amazon Glacier Uploader

Amazon Glacier is a long-term persistent file-storage system for cold data storage. The Simple Amazon Glacier Uploader aims to be an upload and download solution that is as durable as your data. SAGU is a single .jar file Glacier interface written in Java for cross-platform accessibility. The use of Java assures that you will have access to your files regardless of your operating system when it is time to retrieve your data.


Free XML editor download (foxe)

Free XML editor download Firstobject's free XML editor for Windows is called foxe. It loads big files (multi-megabyte) fast and lets you format XML and edit HTML and any loosely formed XML or other markup. The tree view is editable and customizable for useful navigation. Performs fast; built on CMarkup Does not require Java or MSXML Light compact design, small footprint Portable software, single exe Other features include syntax coloring, word wrap, Go To Line, show XML path, Microsoft global IME, MSXML based DTD validation.



Features * Keeps a logbook of key information about each of your dives * Downloads profile information from your Suunto dive computer * Computes your equivalent surface air consumption rate for each dive, as well as displaying tissue compartment saturation levels and NDLs for each point during a dive. * Keeps track of your dive gear and reminds you when it is due for service * Organizes pictures relating to each dive and can present slide shows * Can print out information in a format suitable for adding to loose-leaf log books from PADI and SSI * Can import data from Suunto Dive Manager for the PC (versions 1 or 2) * Self-contained program written in Java - does not modify your system or load any additional libraries



by 2 others (via)
The Web Content Integration Software -


Intégration PHP / JasperReports

Ce document a pour but d'expliquer comment mettre en oeuvre l'appel de rapports réalisés au format JasperReports depuis une application PHP via le pont PHP / JAVA Bridge.

SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page

by 6 others
Overview SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc, see Introduction. The minimum version of Java supported is 1.5.x as of SQuirreL version 2.4. See the Old Versions page for versions of SQuirreL that will work with older versions of Java. SQuirreL's functionality can be extended through the use of plugins.


by 6 others (via)
Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.


by 1 other
forum java



by 1 other
FlickrEdit is a Java Desktop application that allows you to display and edit your photos in a variety of ways. It also allows you to download or upload your photos to and from Flickr. FlickrEdit is written in Java and it uses flickrj framework to access Flikr

Web Sphere Portal Security

» SlideShare (share powerpoint presentations online, slideshows, slide shows, download presentations, widgets, MySpace codes)


Le MediaPlayer pour FreeBox


Cette application permet de profiter du multiposte offert par Free. Le logiciel, écrit en Java, est portable sur toutes les plateformes qui possèdent un JRE>=1.5. La pause active (time shifting) est entièrement intégrée au logiciel.

IzPack Java Installer

IzPack is an installers generator for the Java platform. It produces lightweight installers that can be run on any operating system where a Java virtual machine is available. Depending on the operating system, it can be launched by a double-click or a simple java -jar installer.jar from a shell. The most common use is to distribute applications for the Java platform, but you can also use it for other kinds of projects. The main benefit of IzPack is that it provides a clean and unique way of distributing a project to users using different operating systems. IzPack is reported to run on: Unix-like systems, mostly Linux and FreeBSD variants Mac OS X Windows 2000, XP and Vista.

Java & Solaris (supinfo)

by 2 others
par le Laboratoire SUPINFO des technologies Sun

JSR 168

The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - detail JSR# 168

GpsActionReplay (

logiciel java pour suivre des traces GPS


by 9 others
Liferay offers the world's leading open source portal platform. Now going on its eighth year of development, Liferay Portal is backed by a comprehensive professional services network offering custom development, training, and support across the world. JSR168, JSR170


by 1 other
uPortal is a free, sharable portal under development by institutions of higher-education. This group sees an institutional portal as an abridged and customized version of the institutional Web presence... a "pocket-sized" version of the campus Web. Portal technology adds "customization" and "community" to the campus Web presence. Customization allows each user to define a unique and personal view of the campus Web. Community tools, such as chat, forums, survey, and so on, build relationships among campus constituencies. uPortal is an open-standard effort using Java, XML, JSP and J2EE. It is a collaborative development project with the effort shared among several of the JA-SIG member institutions. You may download uPortal and use it on your site at no cost.


HSQLDB is Java developers' best choice for development, testing and deployment of database applications. The latest HSQLDB 1.8.0 is fast, powerful and reliable -- more so than ever.


by 2 others
The Commons is a Jakarta subproject focused on all aspects of reusable Java components.


JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

Log4j project

by 1 other
classe de gestion de logs java


by 12 others
Alfresco offers true Open Source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) - Document Management, Collaboration, Records Management, Knowledge Management, Web Content Management and Imaging

IBM developerWorks : WebSphere Application Server Community Edition

A free, lightweight J2EE™ application server that provides a readily accessible and flexible foundation for building Java™ applications.


by 3 others
Simple Enterprise Content Management Simple means clear, understandable; easy. Magnolia makes Enterprise Content Management simple by being user-friendly, battle-tested, enterprise-ready and open-source.

rmaltete's TAGS related to tag java

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