public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from redyrod with tag applications

May 2006

Testez vos applications web - Neokraft Blog

by 4 others (via)
l y a quelques mois est sorti Selenium IDE, un produit dérivé de Selenium qui permet de réaliser et de lancer automatique des actions sur un site web et de récupérer certaines valeurs. Je savais que je m'en servirai, je ne savais pas encore à quel point j'allais adorer !

May 2005


by 31 others
The OpenLaszlo platform allows developers to create applications with the rich user interface capabilities of desktop client software and the instantaneous no-download Web deployment of HTML. These applications run on all leading Web browsers on all leading desktop operating systems from a single XML code base. Earthlink, Yahoo, Behr Paint, La Quinta and any many others rely on OpenLaszlo to deliver state-of-the-art applications serving millions of users. The OpenLaszlo platform is open source and free for development and deployment.

March 2005

Create Web applets with Mozilla and XML

by 4 others
Mozilla's simple and flexible XUL saves time when building Java-less applets

redyrod's TAGS related to tag applications

applets +   mozilla +   site +   test +   web +   xml +   xul +